Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Oh, the Perks of Modern Pennsylvanianite Vehicular Requirements!

"So when are you going to get your Michigan plates changed?"

"I figured I'd do it in October when they expire."

"Huh, really..."

Within twenty days of moving to the grand state of Pennsylvania, one must change their car registration. In order to change the registration of your vehicle, you must have a Pennsylvania driver's license. To get a Pennsylvania driver's license, you have to apply in person and prove your residency in two ways, which can include utility bills, lease agreements, or other forms that formally state your new address. Typically utility bills arrive thirty days from when you first sign-up, lease agreements take ten to twenty days because the head of the rental company has to sign it, and usually the latest Bed Bath & Beyond flyer addressed to "Our Neighbor" just doesn't quite prove your residency too well.... Pennsylvania is also a very green state, and requires yearly inspections of every vehicle (lest you incur fines and penalties by disregarding such requirements) for brakes, general safety features and emissions. This must be done within ten days of completing the vehicle registration. I believe we have now come full circle...

We recently decided to hire Stan, our paperwork guru pictured to the left to take care of all of the necessary paperwork. We pay him in sprinkled donuts weekly.

The headaches of vehicular requirements aside, we are absolutely loving Pennsylvania. All but two moving boxes remain, and we have taken quite a fancy to their decorative accent to our new flat.

Here's hoping Stan is The Man and we successfully get our vehicular portraits published this weekend.



Henry said...

Wisconsin has a similar situation where you have to sell your car to get a license, but then your girlfriend sells her hair to buy you a license, not knowing that you've sold your girlfriend for a comb...anyway, hope your situation works itself out.

Looking forward to more donut pictures!

P.S. Can you make your verification words actual words? I have no idea what besnbi means (or what font is being used) but I'm pretty sure my priest should be told that I'm using it in conversation.

Anonymous said...

i'm jealous of this Stan character's job.
i would take donuts over pay stubs any day, man.

Jake said...
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Jake said...

A Ben Folds reference, nice.